Tuesday, December 1, 2009

naruto 474 spoiler

Sai starts talking to Naruto about Sakura's true feelings

サクラが隠していたことは、「サスケを木ノ葉の手で処理する」「同期メンバー全員がそのつもりで動く」とい うもの
What Sakura hid away from him was that: "Konoha will deal with Sasuke" and, "All the members of our class plan to act."

Sai and Kakashi figure that it seems like Sakura plans on killing Sasuke herself

サスケの事が大好きだからこそこのまま悪へ突き進むサスケを放っておけず、それがたとえ大好きな人を自分の 手で殺めなければならない事になるとしてもそれがサスケを好きになったサクラなりの覚悟という もの
It's because she loves Sasuke that she can't just leave him pursuing his evil ends like this;
even if it turns out that she has to kill a person she loves with her own hands,
Sasuke whom she had fallen in love with, that is what Sakura is ready to do

The Kazekage, Kankurou, and Temari make an appearance when they're done talking.
They speak of the developments of what happened at the Five Kage meeting

Around that time, Madara (Tobi) appears where Danzou and his posse are

Also at that time, the Kazekage finishes talking to Naruto and co. about what went on at the Kage meeting, about the Great Shinobi War

そして、風影がこれは八尾、九尾を守る戦争でもある。風影としてオレはお前を命懸けで守る。暁の配下として うちはサスケが立ちはだかるなら容赦はしない。
The Kazekage says, "This is a war to protect the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails.
As the Kazekage, I'll risk my life to protect you.
I won't put up with it if Uchiha Sasuke were to stand in my way as one of the Akatsuki"

ナルト…お前はオレに"自分は火影になる男"だと言ったな…オレは風影になった。影の名を背負う覚悟を決め たなら サスケの友としてお前が本当にやるべき事をやれと言う
"Naruto...you once told me 'I'm the man who'll be Hokage'.
Well I've become Kazekage. If you decided on carrying the burden of the Kage title,
then as Sasuke's friend, do what truly needs to be done"

And while that's happening, Danzou and his posse begin fighting Madara


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