Monday, December 7, 2009


Whitebeard vs Aokiji. Aokiji freezes WB, but it has no effect on him.
Next, Whitebeard enchants his bisento with haki and attacks Aokiji,
but it doesn't work on him.
(Apprentice might be just guessing here?
It could be just the earthquake power enchant like last time?)
Joz tackles Aokiji, blowing him away.
Aokiji's bleeing from his mouth.
Whitebeard looks very weakened.

Meanwhile, Luffy is fighting Momonga and another Vice Admiral? (Apprentice isn't sure)
Both the VAs are Rokushiki users. Luffy is getting pummeled.
Kizaru follows up with his attack also, and Luffy is blow away to where Whitebeard is,
and his eyes turn white.
Whitebeard comments to him "You did a good job"
Akainu appears. WB vs Akainu. Marco heads to Ace, but recieves Garp's fist.
Garp: If you want to save Ace, you'll have to kill me first!


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